
This is a quick overview of the pycurrency package. The package uses Google’s currency calculator to do live conversions. I cannot promise how accurate compared to bank rates on the ground in the various countries, but they are acceptable for making estimates.

Be a responsible citizen and don’t write code that polls google for every query, instead do caching where ever you can. Caching will make your app run faster anyway!


To install pycurrency use the command:

pip install pycurrency


easy_install pycurrency


Converting from one currency to another The syntax is Converter(amount,from_currency,to_currency), for example to convert from 1 USD to Jamaican Dollars:

>>> from pycurrency import converter
>>> myconverter = converter.Converter(1,'USD','JMD')
>>> myconverter.result()

If you need other information there is a dictionary which returns the ‘to’ and ‘from’ values which can be retrieved with the ‘ratio’ method:

>>> myconverter.ratio()
{'to': u'85.2878465', 'from': u'1'}

You can change any parameter ‘from_cur’, ‘to_cur’ or ‘amount’:

>>> myconverter.to_cur='EUR'
>>> myconverter.update()
{'to': u'0.72838517', 'from': u'1'}
>>> myconverter.from_cur='EUR'
>>> myconverter.to_cur='JMD'
>>> myconverter.update()
{'to': u'117.091684', 'from': u'1'}

Here’s an example of changing the amount to be converted:

>>> myconverter.amount = '400'
>>> myconverter.update()
{'to': u'46836.6736', 'from': u'1'}

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